We, at the Seacoast Learning Collaborative, embrace the uniqueness of every child and family.
We approach them with unconditional positive regard.
We are dedicated to providing a consistent, therapeutic and motivating environment that promotes individual achievement.
We believe that most children will respond to our nurturing style and reach their emotional, academic and social potential.
The Five Expectations
Students who choose to come to school here agree to:
1. Attend school and class.
2. Give the work your “best effort”.
We recognize that best effort does not mean the same effort each day.
3. Respect yourself, others and property.
If you are disrespectful to yourself or others, you will be expected to accept responsibility for your actions and participate in resolving the issue.
4. Participate in Counseling.
Students are expected to participate in formal counseling as indicated on their current IEP. Additional therapeutic services include supportive counseling, crisis intervention and symptom management.
5. Observe all school and classroom policies.
Students always have the right to discuss policies with their counselor.
Our programs mission
We at Seacoast Learning Collaborative embrace the uniqueness of every child and family. We believe that every child can be educated. We also believe that children need a safe, nurturing environment in order to develop, learn and achieve.
Therefore, we are dedicated to providing a consistent, predictable environment, one that promotes individual achievement, both academically and emotionally. Always mindful of using the teachable moment, we present a perpetual learning environment to all students and staff.
We want you to be successful at Seacoast Learning Collaborative, thus we have kept our “rules and regulations” simple and straightforward.